71 英寸高的浴室柜充分利用了空间;6 层 11.8 英寸高的储物架为毛巾、沐浴露、洗发水、漂白剂和卫生纸提供了充足的空间,这些东西体积庞大,无法放入梳妆台或镜柜中。无论您的浴室区域有多狭窄或宽敞,这绝对是整理您的物品并优化您的空间的完美浴室储物柜。
Cabinets are not only durable, they add a touch of modern style. Stylish design and practicality at the same time
This cabinet has been treated with a waterproof finish, so it's a great choice to put in your bathroom.
Perfect for bathrooms where space is limited, this storage cabinet provides ample storage without taking up valuable floor space!
The cabinets are sturdy and durable, and I store my frequently used towels and linens in the front or center section of the closet for easy access
This cabinet has an elegant look and can be incorporated into the overall bathroom design of the cabinets